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PCOS|Drinks to balance PCOS and food to balance hormonal imbalance.


What is Polycystic ovary syndrome? It’s a condition that affects many women, but it’s often mistaken for other health problems. If you have PCOS, your ovaries may have small cysts that are unable to release eggs properly, which leads to hormonal imbalances. The result is common symptoms like acne, excess hair growth, and weight gain. Left untreated or undiagnosed, PCOS can cause long-term health issues like diabetes and heart disease. But there are many natural ways to manage this challenging condition with diet, exercise and home remedies.
There are many different myths about PCOS floating around. Many people believe that it is untreatable, but this is not true. The condition can be manageable with the right support and guidance. Below, you will learn everything you need to know about PCOS and how to manage it.
Understanding your body is the first step toward taking control of your life again. We’ve all got anxieties, fears and worries — it’s what makes us human! But if they’re impacting on your everyday life and affecting the people who care about you, that’s when things get serious. It’s time to take action.
Some healthy home made drinks for the patients dealing with PCOS:

Apple Cider Vinegar.

clear footed glass beside white textile

Potentially Improves Insulin Sensitivity :

Since apple cider vinegar is regarded as the finest for increasing the insulin sensitivity of the body, According to several studies, drinking apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity by about 30% in people with diabetes and insulin resistance.This aids in lowering blood sugar levels.

Helps to lose weight:

Weight gain is a debilitating side effect of PCOS. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar for PCOS works to help women lose weight by enhancing feelings of satiety and reducing the urge to snack or eat throughout the day.

Maintains the pH levels:

Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar leads for clearing out cysts from the body it also regulates the body for maintaing the balanced pH levels.

Leads to the better ovulation and menstrual health:

Due to decreased insulin sensitivity young females dealing with PCOS experience blockage in thier fallopian tubes. Apple Cider Vinegar is the natural remedy for unclogging the fallopian tubes which leads to the better ovulation and improving women’s menstrual cycle.

Hinders bacteria growth:

Apple Cider Vinegar contains antimicrobial properties. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which are endotoxins are produced by some bacteria worsen leaky gut syndrome. Apple Cider Vinegar inhibits the growth of such bacteira.

Alovera Juice:

Aloevera is the natural remedy that is helpful in giving relief to the women suffering with PCOS.
Over 50 active vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and acids included in aloe vera aid in the body’s hormone restoration and balancing. Alovera supports the body in improving the insulin sensitivity that is caused by the PCOS helping in restoring the hormones levels in the body. It also functions as the PCOS weight lose drink becasue it is an excellent way to flush toxins and poisons from the body.
It is preferable to drink aloevera juice in the morning on an empty stomach. You can consume it as your PCOS morning drink. It works best when taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Sustain daily intake of this drink in your lifestyle to get the best results and feel the difference.

Moringa Water:

It is one of the best drink for dealing the PCOS, these are the leaves of drumstick plant.
Insulin resistance is the most common metabolic problem to been during PCOS. Moringa oleifera is thought to be able to lower insulin levels during PCOS leading towards reducing the androgen levels.
In patients with pcos, moringa has been shown to normalise follicular and luteinizing hormone levels while also reducing ovarian and uterine weight.
Moringa oleifera may help balance hormones by acting as an antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and antibacterial agent.
It will enhance folliculogenesis in PCOS animal models by enhancing the aromatization of androgen hormones into estrogens.
Take 1 teaspoon of moringa powder with 8 ounces of water at waking or before going to sleep.

Mulethi Water:

Mulethi which is known as licorice have superb qualities for maintaing the hormonal imbalances causing PCOS. Mulethi’s natural anti-androgen and anti-inflammatory qualities aid in lowering testosterone levels in males it is also helpful in balancing hormones.
It is helpful in maintaing the healthy endocrine system and boosting the immunity. By boosting the immune system it protects the reproductive health leading towards maintaing the hormonal balance.
Mulethi is avalaible in the powder form as well as in the form of liquid extract or capsule form. Easiest way to take mulethi water is to boil the mulethi bark in water and take it preferably first thing in the morning.







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  1. […] Foul smell from vaginal discharge: […]

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